
Posts Tagged ‘Argentina’

I have just read an article in the MiamiHerald.com entitled, “Fisher Island Man Sends Toys to Argentina” about a Fisher island residentworker’s mission to bring holiday smiles to children’s faces who might not have received any gifts for the holidays.  Though the holidays may be over Jose Fuyana is still working for the children.  In this case, for children in an impoverished city in Argentina where there are no Toys for Tots programs.  Jose Fuyana, founder of You and Me Together and Fisher Island residentworker, is still accepting toys and sporting equipment to donate to children in Mendoza, Argentina.  You and Me Together is in its second year of distributing toys, and this year, Dade Community College students and administrators pitched-in by donating gifts.  Cookie Rossell, director of the Wellness Center at the Kendall campus stated, “This project gave us the chance to give these kids an opportunity to play and develop their health and fitness skills at the same time,” and added, “It also helps them develop relationships and hopefully inspires them to give back to their community some day”. 

In Mendoza, Jose Fuyana has 10 volunteers who help to sort, package and distribute the toys to tots in the poorest areas of Mendoza.  Fuyana started You and Me Together after a conversation with a tennis instructor in his hometown of Mendoza about her dream of opening a recreational youth center.  Fuyana visits his mother in Mendoza every year and decided he wanted to give something back to the community where he was raised.  So he began talking to people he knew and collecting everything from train sets and teddy bears, to Barbie dolls and sporting equipment in hopes bringing joy to those who would otherwise not receive gifts during the holidays.

The toys being collected now are to be handed out on Los Reyes Magos, or Three Kings Day, an Argentine holiday where children receive presents from the Three Kings.

Fuyana states, “We believe that sports are the best thing for kids to be away from the streets and drugs.  The idea is to also give them milk or fruit or something when they come.  And to get them playing soccer and basketball, too.  We have a lot of plans, but we need to be patient and we need money.”

If you agree with Mr. Fuyana and would like to contribute to You and Me Together, please visit http://youandmetogetherer.org/ or e-mail: donate@youandmetogether.org.  For more information, you can call 866-982-6363.  Monetary donations can be sent to P.O. Box 398436, Miami, FL 33239.

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